Welcome to The Future of Europe 14th Edition 2023

The Faculty of International Business and Economics of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies is organizing the 14th edition of The Future of Europe International Conference in partnership with Romanian Institute of Economic Forecasting, European Institute of Romania, Institute for World Economy, Victor Slavescu Centre for Financial and Monetary Research of the Romanian Academy and Romanian Society for Economics.

Conference aims and objectives:

Against the background of developments within the European Union, the conference aims at bringing together scholars from all over the world to present papers and debate ideas covering a wide spectrum of economic issues: general theory and policy, from both interdisciplinary and core epistemological areas, qualitative and quantitative methodology and modelling with particular emphasis on money and banking, financial markets, business cycles and economic crises, business and government ethics, corporate social responsability, public and private regulatory frameworks, along with dedicated approaches coming from the field of business communication and multiculturalism.

Important dates

International Conference Future of Europe (FoE) is held on 26 and 27 October 2023 at the Bucharest University of Economic Sciences, Bucharest, Romania. This conference is organized by Faculty of International Business and Economics for academics and professionals from related fields from all over the world. This year, the conference will be organized hybrid (face-to-face and online), using video online tools for all sessions (plenary, panels etc.).

Participants are welcomed to propose and to organize their own ad-hoc panel, if there are relevant papers related to it. PhD candidates are encouraged to join the conference tracks too.

The papers submitted to the conference will be double blind reviewed by Scientific Commitee members and will be published in the Conference Volume as working paper (could be published later in a journal after revision).

Only presented papers will be submitted to the journals associated to the FoE Conference (see the section with journals that are associated to FoE Conference this year).

Participants are invited to submit papers for the following panels of the conference:

– The new challenges of the European Union governance

– Business across the Europe

– Addressing Corporate Social Responsibility and Risk Management in Europe

– Finance and banking in the European Union

– Survival of the European Union

– Social issues and challenges for the European Union’s members and institutions

A short description of panels can downloaded here.

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