Welcome to The Future of Europe 15th Edition 2024

The Faculty of International Business and Economics at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies is organizing the 15th edition of the International Conference “The Future of Europe” on 24-25 October 2024. The event aims to bring together academics, researchers, experts from the business environment, and government representatives for presentations and debates on topics in the field of international business and economics, with a focus on the European Union.

Conference aims and objectives:

Against the background of developments within the European Union, the conference aims at bringing together scholars from all over the world to present papers and debate ideas covering a wide spectrum of economic issues: general theory and policy, from both interdisciplinary and core epistemological areas, qualitative and quantitative methodology and modelling with particular emphasis on money and banking, financial markets, business cycles and economic crises, business and government ethics, corporate social responsability, public and private regulatory frameworks, along with dedicated approaches coming from the field of business communication and multiculturalism.

Key areas of emphasis include: 

– The role of European institutions in managing challenges at community level

– The dynamics of international business and adaptation to global environmental uncertainty

– The impact of technological development on international economic relations

– Resilience in supply chains

– The influence of monetary policies on markets

– Risk management and trends in financial markets

– Sustainable development and climate change management

We invite academics and researchers to submit papers by 15 September and to participate in the International Conference „The Future of Europe” 2024, so as to share ideas and research results and debate on the transformations in the global environment and especially in the European Union.

Please download Call for Papers here: https://rei.ase.ro/cercetare/conferinte/foe/

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